Perancangan Sistem Kendali Temperature Suhu dan Level Oil Pada Prototype Transformator Tenaga

Fajar Ramadhan Pratama, Peby Wahyu Purnawan


Dalam beberapa transformator yang terdapat di unit gardu induk PLN sering terjadi peningkatan temperatur suhu oil secara drastis dikarenakan kurang efektif dalam metode sistem pendinginan. Selain itu sering terjadi kebocoran kecil pada penutup atau sambungan tangki transformator yang mengakibatkan menurunnya level oil pada transformator yang dapat membuat kerusakan pada transformator tersebut. Makalah ini membahas rancangan sebuah prototype sistem kendali suhu oil (dimana oil di ganti dengan air keran) yang dapat mengendalikan temperatur suhu oil pada tangki transformator agar tidak terjadi overheat dengan mengatur kecepatan putaran kipas dan kendali level oil yang dapat menjaga level oil dalam kondisi selalu full. Sistem yang dirancang terdiri dari mikrokontroler Arduino Nano, sensor DS18B20, sensor DHT22, kipas pendingin, sensor level 1, sensor level 2, pompa pengisian, LCD (Liquid Cyrstal Display). Dalam sistem kendali suhu oil dengan metode fuzzy terdapat 2 inputan yaitu suhu oil dan suhu udara yang difuzzyfikasi menjadi 5 membership function dengan output nilai kecepatan untuk mengatur putaran kipas. Metode Defuzzyfikasi yang digunakan adalah WAA (Weighted Average Area). Hasil yang didapatkan suhu oil transformator stabil pada suhu 40°C - 41°C sehingga peralatan transformator tidak akan cepat rusak dan pembebanan akan lebih efektif. Sementara itu, hasil kendali level oil selalu dalam kondisi Full sehingga transformator tidak akan padam dikarenakan level oil kurang.


Sometimes, the transformers in the PLN Substation Unit has common problem such as the increases of oil temperature since ineffective method in cooling system. As well as frequent small leaks in the cover or connection of the transformer tank resulting in a decrease in the oil level in the transformer which can cause damage to the transformer. This paper describe a design of system prototype for an oil temperature control system which can control the temperature of the oil temperature in the transformer tank so that there is no overheating. The controlling is by adjusting the fan speed and control the oil level which can keep the oil level in full condition. The system designed consists of an Arduino Nano microcontroller, DS18B20 sensor, DHT22 sensor, cooling fan, level 1 sensor, level 2 sensor, filling pump, LCD (Liquid Cyrstal Display). We used a fuzzy logic method in oil temperature control. There are 2 inputs, namely the oil temperature and air temperature which are fuzzyfied into 5 membership functions with the output speed values to regulate fan rotation. We used Weighted Average Area (WAA) for defuzzyfication process. Based on the results, we obtained that the transformer oil temperature is stable at a temperature of 40° C - 41° C so that the transformer equipment will not be damaged quickly and the loading will be more effective. Furthermore, the results of the oil level control are always in full condition so that the transformer will not go out because the oil level is not enough.

Kata Kunci

Transformator; Suhu Oil; Level Oil; Kontrol fuzzy; Kontrol On-Off

Teks Lengkap:


Sari 2013 kali
PDF 736 kali


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