Pengembangan Antena Fleksibel Mikrostrip Bowtie
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Teks Lengkap:
R. Joshi, C. Constantinides, S. K. Podilchak, and P. J. Soh, “Dual-Band Folded-Shorted Patch Antenna for Military Search and Rescue Operations and Emergency Communications,” 2018 18th Int. Symp. Antenna Technol. Appl. Electromagn., pp. 1–2, 2018.
C. Parmar and S. Joshi, “Wearable textile patch antenna for on-body communications,” Glob. Conf. Commun. Technol. GCCT 2015, no. Gcct, pp. 921–924, 2015.
R. Salvado, C. Loss, Gon, and P. Pinho, “Textile materials for the design of wearable antennas: A survey,” Sensors (Switzerland), vol. 12, no. 11, pp. 15841–15857, 2012.
N.T Susyanto, T Yunita, L O Nur, “Antena Mikrostip Bahan Tekstil Frekuensi 2.45 GHz untuk Aplikasi Telemedis.” Semnastek, 2018
E. Sunny, RP Astuti, BS Nugroho, “Perancangan dan Analisis Antena Mikrostrip MIMO Modified Shape Bow-tie pada Frekuensi 28GHz’, eProceedings of Engineering Telkom University, 2018
C. A. Balanis, Antenna Theory. Fourth Edition, 2016
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